A Healthy Planet Relies on a Healthy Ocean

The mission of Reef Aquaculture Conservancy is to develop comprehensive, integrated, and resilient strategies that promote the long-term conservation of coastal ecosystems.

Blue Nature-Based Solutions

Integrative, Climate Resilient, and Sustainable Innovations to conserve Coral Reefs, Blue Carbon Ecosystems and Coastal Livelihoods.

Our Initiatives

Reef Aquaculture Conservancy (RAC) is implementing the Blue Ocean Credits Program (BOCP), which focuses on developing Blue Nature-Positive strategies that are holistic, resilient, and long-term. The main goal of the BOCP is to conserve the high social, environmental, and economic value of coastal ecosystems for the well-being of both present and future generations.

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The Blue Ocean Credits Program is aligning with international policies for a sustainable future, including the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals, The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and Decade on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. 

Who we are

Reef Aquaculture Conservancy (RAC) is a registered international charitable NGO headquartered in Mexico RAC is made up of an international interdisciplinary team of professionals, collaborators, and strategic allies who aim to promote the implementation of Blue Nature-Positive and Climate-Resilient solutions in coastal regions

RAC is developing long-term and large-scale sustainable projects with coastal communities, scientists, developers, private companies, public institutions, and governments




Get Involved

Implementing innovative and sustainable strategies is essential to preserving our Blue Natural Heritage and ensuring that our coastal communities thrive.

¡Together we can create a better future!

Participate and contribute with us to the conservation of the biodiversity of Coral Reefs, Blue Carbon Ecosystems, and Livelihoods of the coastal communities.

¡Donate and support!

The implementation of sustainable Blue Nature-Positive solutions will generate long-lasting social and economic prosperity for local people and business investors.

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